As I have already created a few posts in this new blog of mine, I will have to admit - this has been fun: I do enjoy teaching as I am given some freedom to utilize my creative side via introduction of new teaching methods and activities into the classroom. Blogging has been a great platform for me to share my thoughts and findings. It is of course not certain that my students would find it useful to read my blog, but my peers hopefully would. As a self-reflective person this type of an assignment has been a revelation for me. I do believe that I will take this concept of blogging further into my practice in the future.
When it comes to the module itself, I missed the first 3-4 sessions due to not actually being part of the module. Taking this module was not in my plans but I am glad that all turned up like this. Initially, I had some struggle understanding where I was when I joined the group. From my mind innovating learning and teaching is beyond integration of digital technologies or frequent use of it. Innovation is about making something better over and over again. However, from more pragmatic side I can agree that nowadays those improvements are primarily thanks to the technological progress. I have been teaching and working at University at different capacities for more than five years, and hence am quite well-aware of the teaching and learning theory and trends. But the module did bring me a new perspective - the learning theory of connectivism. I was a believer of the commonly known theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism), but the situation caused by global pandemic has made me rethink the whole teaching and learning. Once I was introduced to the concept of connectivism, the puzzle was solved for me - this is a new thing, and should be taken into account.
Now as I am finalizing my assessment, I really understand what was the purpose of such an assignment and really find it creative and relevant. However, I could not say so during all the sessions we had in the module - honestly speaking, I was not sure of what to do and how the materials we learned were useful in writing the assignment. My motivation to study was not growing if not declining as the time passed. For starters, why not to make all the new tech we learned be a preparation for the class and have a more meaningful set of activities during the class.
Unfortunately, I do believe that there is a huge need for syllabus reconsideration and better constructive alignment in the module. The success criteria for this assessment seem to highly depend on one's ability to write and less on the practical aspects - there is no clear guidance or information on the value of the online course that needs to be created. Only those who want to grow, take the criticism constructively and I do hope that we have such a case here.
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